Donation Overview

Whether you're raising funds for a specific cause, like building a city skatepark, or for general support of your parks and recreation department, you can make it easy for customers to contribute. Simply provide a link on your website directing visitors to the Jarvis Donation page, where they can select what they'd like to donate towards.

Jarvis - Donations

Donation Setup

Setting up donations in Jarvis is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is specify the donation purpose and provide a brief description of the cause. Then, you can list the various donation options, of which the contributors will to choose where their support will go—such as for park benches, trees, or the skate park itself.

View Donations

Jarvis provides an intuitive interface that makes it easy to view your existing donations, whether you're looking at a complete donation campaign or specific donation items. You can quickly access detailed information for each contribution and, if needed, print the entire donation list, print a receipt for an individual contribution or email the contributor an invoice.

Customer Point of View

When a customer chooses to donate, the process is straightforward and user-friendly. Organizations simply add a link to their website for their donation options, which directs visitors to the Jarvis Donation page. From there, customers can select the donation they're interested in, choose the which donation item they wish to contribute towards, and complete the contribution process by securely paying with a credit card.